Wednesday, March 31, 2010

New Camera

We are shopping for a new camera, I think this is our front runner so far.

Nikon L100

Do you have any other suggestions? Remember: Amateur, Inexpensive, Easy to Use

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Bahamian Easter

Several years ago when my Grandmother wanted to go shopping for my Easter dress, I had to break the news that I would be in Florida on Spring Break. I traded the dress for a swim suit. This year I'm doing the same thing.

We are packing our bags and headed to the Bahamas! (pending Dr.'s clearance on Thursday) We will be celebrating Easter with a sunrise service on the beach of Atlantis. My first trip to this magical place was Easter 2000 or 2001 and we've gone almost every 4th of July since, but never another Easter. So what may very well be my last trip to this place, for a while at least, may come full circle to Easter 2010. We've had a good run to say the least.

Daycare Dilemma

Since the daycare discussion started I was determined to send her to an in home daycare and Dustin jumped on board a little later. We knew it would be more expensive than a regular daycare but I want someone to give Avery all the attention that we cant while we are at work.

We interviewed a lady almost a month ago. She has two openings this summer. We need to save our spot so I called for a copy of the contract. Within a month she went up $5/week. ($5/week= $20/month=$240/year which could pay for almost 3 more weeks of care) She also takes paid holidays, paid vacation, personal and sick days. We do have emergency backups but reading this contract makes my tummy hurt.

I'm going to look at a daycare today, with an open mind and my mom.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Take That!

My mom has done a lot of things in her life, kicking cancer's butt is one of them.

(Mom, it's OK. I'm old enough to say butt now.)

Friday, March 26, 2010


So I'm hung up on the pregnancy thing- here are a few thoughts from yours truly regarding pregnancy.

- I don't think I've been a temperamental pregnant lady. I can remember 2 times that Dustin has said "I'm going to let this go, its the pregnancy". I think I've been more go with the flow than I usually am, I'm trying to let go of my control issues.

- (This isn't me being temperamental, more of me being sensitive) Someone said "You look good for 6 months" What is that supposed to mean? "Cant you just say you look good"?

- I don't particularly enjoy taking the progression photos, hence that you've seen 3. It's fun to compare the growth but I feel very exposed.

- I love when my Baby Daddy (Dustin) puts his hands on my belly or whispers to Avery.

- I do get frustrated seeing a closet full of clothes and being confined to a small corner. This just means I need to buy more "mommy" clothes, right?

- Pregnant Belly in bikini? I had no intention of wearing a bikini until several friends looked at me as if I had 10 eyes. I bought a bikini to wear in the Bahamas. (Oh ya, I forgot to tell you. I'll tell you more later)

- Glowing Skin. Before we knew if it was a boy or girl I took a quiz that would determine the sex of the baby. One of the questions asked if your skin was glowing- I said no. When my result came back as a girl, the quiz creator explained that girls take all of their mom's beauty (not saying I have any to take) and ladies carrying girls don't have skin like those carrying boys. I've had my glowing weeks- this isn't one.

- I ate 1/2 of an appetizer and had my own salad, slice of pizza and cheesecake for lunch yesterday.

Thursday, March 25, 2010


Some of you have asked to see belly photos. Here are photos from 6, 16, 18 and 26 weeks.

6 weeks

16 weeks

18 weeks

26 weeks

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Your Choice

( I created a LONG post yesterday to explain the photos in Friday's post but it vanished when I went to publish it and I don't want to retype it all. I'm sorry.)

I'm letting you choose today's topic since I was MIA yesterday.
1. taxes
2. maternity photos

TAXES- brought to you by a hungry pregnant lady

We are having our taxes done this afternoon. Cross your fingers we get a nice rebate so I can get a new camera.

MATERNITY PHOTOS- brought to you by a hungry pregnant lady and her bag of chips

Dustin and I, yes Dustin too, want to have professional photos done during the pregnancy. We have been looking for photographers for weeks but nothing seems to thrill us and we are running low on time to book a May session. We don't really want studio pictures or an album full of my bare tummy and until yesterday that's all we could find.

We have seen several people use the same couple to shoot their engagement and wedding so I emailed the photographers about maternity photos. Unfortunately, they are focused on doing engagements and weddings at this time but were gracious enough to suggest another local couple with a similar style. After browsing their site, I knew this is who I wanted to capture "our moments". Even mom gave them the thumbs up!

We've emailed the couple (who is expecting their second baby) back and forth and I'm so excited! Although nothing it confirmed just yet, I cant imagine that we wont use them.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Weekend Plans


One thing I've noticed in the last few years is that things in your life change from year to year, month to month. Within one year, 2007, Dustin and I got engaged, got married, I got a job, we moved to our second house, Dustin was transferred to our new city and I graduated college. That's a lot of change for one year, for two people.

Since the above changes occurred, they've triggered other changes. Our marriage has given us a million memories, endless love and a miracle baby. My job has developed and changed over the past two years but I've loved it since day one. Moving gave us new friends and sadly caused relationships with others to suffer. Dustin and I now work less that a 1/4 mile from each other, literally blocks away but we don't get to enjoy it enough.

They say change is good.

Think about the last calendar year for you, did things in your life change?

Thursday, March 18, 2010

2010 Census

For weeks I talked to Dustin about the Census, "I want to be part of the Census". I want to be a part of something BIG!

Last week we received notice that a Census survey was heading our way. It arrived yesterday and my honey filled the whole thing out without me. I'm not upset but rather glad we are being counted!

Did you fill out your survey?

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Sweet Charlie


I'll wish you a "Happy St. Patty's Day" in a minute.
We have two dogs, Graham and Charlie. Graham is our 4 year old, 5lb Yorkie that stays inside but this isn't about him. This is about Charlie our 1 1/2 year old fluffy white pup.
One evening when Dustin and I were driving on back country roads he spotted a puppy. Dustin is not the puppy spotting kind and if he happens to see one, he wouldn't stop. He stopped for Charlie. For what seemed like hours, we tried to coax her down (with chocolate because that's all we had) from the top of a small hill. Needless to say she finally came to us. She was covered in sticky bush droppings and filthy. After a deep cleansing in the garden tub we could tell that she was a fluffy white pup and her fur is as soft as a baby's blanket. (you thought I was going to say bottom, didn't you?)
Her new home is with us. We made her a cozy pad out on the back porch where she could run and play all day. We did not anticipate having another inside dog so Charlie stays outside most of the time. She was so very gentle with our 2 year old foster child and Charlie loves everyone.
Lately she barks a lot. Yes, we know that she is a dog and that is what dogs do but it stirs up Graham inside. We have tried several different things over the past few months to make her stop barking at the midnight air but we cant. With Avery on the way, we cant have dogs on the inside and out barking through the night.
We love Charlie and we want her to have a good home. Her shots are up to date and she was "fixed" last fall. She loves to run and play outside but is great when she's indoors too. Charlie loves to cuddle and give kisses when allowed. Dustin and I can't keep Charlie anymore but we cant just "turn her over" either.
If you need a loving dog, or know someone who does please let us know. It breaks our heart to let her go but it's for the best. We don't want it to be sad for anyone, easy to say I know, we want this to be a happy transition for everyone. Charlie deserves a good home.
As promised...
Happy St. Patty's Day to you, and you too Charlie!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Challenge Yourself

I love the AJC's "Find Five" Challenges.

It gives you two photos- an original photo and an altered original. The second photo has 5 things different from the original. Levels range from Easy to Medium and Difficult.

Check it out

Just Checking

Do you "break check" people? You know, tap/slam on your breaks when someone is following to closely, a subtle hint to back up.

It is probably not the most polite thing to do but then again better than showing them your birdie.

I gave someone the "check" this morning and I could hear my dad " Michele, you're going to wreck!" Yes, it is probably not a good practice but it was 8:00, OK 8:20, I wasn't in my best mood and I was convinced that the nose of her car was pecking my bumper. After a little love tap on my breaks ( I didn't do the "slam") the driver backed off.

I promise not to make this a habit.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Memory Loss

I do love being pregnant but I'm off my rocker! I frequently make in-cohesive babbles, cant remember my name or tell the same story multiple times.

The inability to remember things is part of Dustin's eh-hem, charm. I love the boy to pieces but it drives me crazy when he doesn't remember things. Yes, he knows this and I am not speaking behind his back.

For 25 years (minus 6 months) I have been able to remember pretty much everything. I think my brain would reveal an impressive collection of dusty memories.

Now there are two of us in one house that cant remember things. I went bazurk last night looking for my car keys. I didn't even drive yesterday. Dustin asked if they were in the living room, kitchen, my old purse (cause I got a new one!) and I repeatedly said no, no, no. They were, somehow, in the kitchen. I apologized. I was buying biscuits for myself and co-workers when I realized my debit card was not in my wallet. My mom knew where it was, in her car. Thank goodness for sane people, maybe they'll be the ones to find my memory too.

Maybe memory loss is God's way of teaching me patience for those who need reminding. I'm one of those now.

A Treat for You

I have a favorite snack, particularly enjoyed at bed time.

Neapolitan ice cream (in a mug) with milk a top. I didn't think it was too weird until we shared our favorite foods at the birthing class and I received eyebrow raises and moans. Seriously, scoop some ice cream, choose your favorite flavor, into a cup/mug and pour milk over it. The ice cream will crystallize and the milk will gain flavor- delish!

When you give it a go- let me know what you think!

Friday, March 12, 2010

This One's for the Girls

Guys, I told you it's for the ladies.

So ladies, do you wear your hair the same every day? I fall into the "I fixed it why would I pull it back" category most of the time. I've tried the random braid, didn't go over well. I will do the beachy waves every now and then, but I still wear it down. I pull my bangs back frequently creating a pitiful "poof", only because they bother me sometimes. I'm just not good at doing hair.

A few years ago I could blow dry my hair straight leaving minor areas for the straightener to attack but I think I left those skills in the old apartment. When my hair was in a short bob I rocked the velcro rollers. I don't even use product these days unless I'm going for the wave- even then it's just hairspray.

I need easy-to-do styles. Do you know of any?

Thursday, March 11, 2010

More Ovaltine Please

Do you like chocolate milk? What's your favorite way to get that chocolaty flavor?
Mine's Ovaltine. I love it.
I don't like syrups because they never seem to mix to well but Ovaltine's powder makes a perfect glass of chocolate milk.

From one milk mustache to another- cheers!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


I'm scared of delivery day. I have always been freaked out by this thought, even before pregnancy. I change my mind every day- C-section, induced, or "regular". So, to help us decide, hopefully not to worry/confuse/scare me anymore than I already am, Dustin and I are taking classes.

We would prefer to do a 6 week course, 2 hrs each week, that thoroughly explains the process but we are would miss 2 of these classes due to prior obligations. This Saturday we are doing a crash course from 9-5 on all things birth. We will receive a tour of the hospital including the Cesarean Suite and Recovery Rooms, try to understand labor and birth and the various stages of each, discuss breastfeeding and bottlefeeding, talk about postpartum care for mommy and learn to diaper and swaddle correctly.

I feel so naive when I hear people talk about pregnancy and delivery so we are attempting to educate ourselves on all of the mysteries of baby Avery and her birth. I just hope it doesn't result in us running out with our pillows and blankets screaming!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Homecoming for Troops

Our local army troop was welcomed home today with a parade. People lined the streets with flags and banners an hour before they arrived and they waited patiently until they saw the caravan go by.

I remember when we had a "departure parade". We lined the streets then too but it was a sad day. They left in a bus. A bus with tinted windows.

Today they packed into army trucks and we saw their faces. They were wearing hats that I've never seen before. Hats that resembled a cowboy's hat, black with a gold star on the front. They were lead by police cars and motorcycles and followed by a pack of motorcycle riders, the same riders that followed them when they departed.

It gave me chills. You could see the excitement on their faces, how thrilled they were to be home.

Welcome Home!!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Rub A Dub

We were watching Family Feud this weekend and there was a question, more-so the answers, during the fast money round that I keep thinking about. (Fast Money is when 2 people from the winning get to answer questions for a chance at $20,000)

Question- What is the longest you've gone without bathing. The first guy answered "a week". When the next guy came out he too answered "a week". Notice that these were both "guys".

This made me acknowledge that I, brace yourself, hate bathing.

My poor mom and sister used to beg me to bathe when I was younger. I was totally tomboy- playing outside all day, going to soccer practice, wearing Umbros and ponytails 24/7. I would refuse to bathe.

I'm a little, no a lot better now. I still hate the process. I have curly hair and I've straightened it for the last 6 years. While I'm much faster than I used to be, it still takes time. Unless I'm in a great mood I don't like swimming. I'll float so my frizzies aren't out of control, but it's probably best not to dunk me, throw me off the jet ski, ect. If I wash my hair daily it gets oily so normally I only have to wash my hair every other day. And shaving.. ugh hate it too.

If I sweat, I definitely bite the bullet and shower, even if it's the 2nd one that day. I might not always fix my hair again, but I don't like to be sticky. Funny how things change. Not my proudest confession, but I just felt like I needed to share.

On a side note- read the following text imagining that you are in a nail salon getting your brows waxed, slouched down in a chair.This was my conversation this weekend- after the man told her to hurry because my husband was waiting in the car.

You have baby in car too?
--No mam.
You have baby in belly?
--Yes Mam.
How far?
--Almost 6 months
You biiiiiiig.
-- Yes mam, it's a girl
I have 4 girl, 1 boy. How I know you have girl.

Baby Bungalow GUEST GIVEAWAY!!!!

Baby Bungalow GUEST GIVEAWAY!!!!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Girl Scouts

Were you a Girl Scout? I was. I was a blue Daisy, brown brownie, and green junior. My mom was a Girl Scout troop leader for years and my older sister was in it too. (She went continued to a baby blue cadet and then worked for the Girl Scout organization)

This isn't about me being a girl scout though. This is about cookies. Dustin and I love Samoas. It's strange because I don't like the texture of coconut but I love these cookies. I believe we are on our third box. Yesterday my mom brought me a box of Thin Mints. Usually I'm not a fan but I took them home. This morning I ate an entire sleeve of these cookies by myself. I don't know how I did it.

Do you buy cookies from little girls wearing sashes covered with colorful badges? What is your favorite?

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Hot Air

I don't have much to say, so I'll leave you with this.

Because I want Kylee to take engagement photos with a big balloon.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Doppler Effect

A co-worker, one of the pregnant ones, brought a doppler into work yesterday. Her husband gave it to her for Valentine's Day, a very unique and practical gift. I would love to have one of these at home for the days when I just don't "feel pregnant".

I hooked that bad boy up and went searching for Avery. I picked up her heartbeat at 140, she was just below and to the right of my bellybutton. I like to think she is lazy and was sleeping in. After lunch (and a sweet tea) I went looking for her again. This time she was on the right side and above my bellybutton. I found her heartbeat at 188 and within seconds it was gone. I think she was running laps around my uterus.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

I'm All Shook Up

Some women exercise full out when pregnant, not me. I played sports growing up but never enjoyed just working out. So I hope to walk regularly and tone my arms. Right now I dont think I could tote Avery in her carrier for a lengthy amount of time because my arms are mush.

I am not faithful to my gym membership where I could walk on the treadmill and lift weights, I've just found better things to do with my time. When we go to the gym, I try to use the arm machines with Dustin but I dont think he likes chaperoning me. Once we finish the machines we go to free weights. I wander to the left side of the gym, because thats where the tiny weights are, and he heads off to the right to lift the big boy metal. I dont like people watching me nor do I like watching myself in the mirror. I quit about 5 minutes into it and go to the treadmill (without the weights because they aren't allowed). Due to my wimpy behavior my arms are not cute.

Problem Solved. We were watching TV and saw the commercial for the Shake Weight. I bet you've seen it too. "I need that", I pleaded to my hubby. "You'll never use it," he said. " I will, I promise". I saw it at Walgreens one night but he gave me the ugly eye and we left without it. This weekend, while he was playing golf, I went to Target. They had the Shake Weight! I picked it up, thought twice, and put it in my buggy.

When I got home I showed him my new purchase. We took turns "working out" our arms as we watched TV from the comfort of our living room. It works. A few hours later Dustin picked it up again to find out that his arms were sore. Wanting to see for myself, I gave it a few shakes and Ouch, it did work!

Hopefully between the Shake Weight and a gym membership I will be able to carry Avery around without breaking a sweat!

Bachelor Wrap Up

Vienna, Vienna. She was never my favorite, in fact next to Michelle she was my least favorite. I could go on and on but there's no point. Just to wish them luck because I think they may need it.

On to Ali being the next bachelorette. I did like her earlier in the show but she too turned catty and I lost interest. The San Fran hometown date was a bit scandalous in the park, don't you think? And biggest question of all- did you quit your job? The job you "loved over love". Ali, please note that if you are the bachelorette, you cant just go home for work in the middle of the show.

Dancing with the Stars. Sure there were some interesting picks, Dustin was excited about Chad Ocho Cinco. I think Pamela will be interesting. I'm most excited to see that Kate Gosslin got hair extensions, good move Kate.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Bachelor Finale

Will you be watching?
I will.
Who is Jake going to pick?
Dustin read a spoiler that says he picks Vienna, ehhh.
We also find out who is on Dancing with the Stars.
Do you watch that?
I do.
Come back tomorrow for my $.02