Saturday evening Avery was fussy. I get it, she's two months old. Sunday, she slept and didnt eat. She slept 20 out of 24 hours and had 23 ounces of formula from Saturday night to Monday morning. (She should've had almost double the ounces)
We had an appointment on Wednesday for her 2 month check up and shots. I debated if I should just wait a few more days to see the doctor or call with my concerns. I called.
Avery has been congested for 3 weeks and I wasnt particularly concerned about this because the doctor told us it was just a head cold and she is too young for medicine anyway. This is what concerned me.

The indented softsopt can be dehydration.
We went to the doctor at 11am, she was examined and we had a chest xray. By the time we left the XRay room on the 2nd floor, rode the elevator to the 4th floor the doctor was waiting for us in our exam room. He explained there was a spot on her XRay that he didnt like and we had a room waiting for us at the hospital. Of course, I took her to the doctor by myself just thinking we would be told everything is still ok. The PA handed me tissues and suggested I call "back up support".
We walked straight into the Peds wing of the hospital, into our room and then they took her away. When they brought her back she had an IV in one arm and blood drawn from the other. She was given fluids for dehydration and we started antibiotics by 12:30.

RSV and Flu tests came back negative.
Viral Pneumonia was the culprit.
Tuesday morning when the doctors and residents made their rounds wearing their masks because we were quarantined(like an episode from Grey's Anatomy) we expected to receive our walking papers and go home. I had the bags packed, ready to go.
We stayed 3 days, 2 nights.
My sweet baby was the best patient ever. She was a pretty cute one too!

She already has a sense of humor, "Mommy, this stinks!"

So, we are at home now waiting it out. She reacted to her "take home" antibiotics poorly so we discontinued them. We're thankful that we caught it early and that so many people love our family and lifted us up in prayer.