Ok, my heart pounded with excitement when I received my Zulily email this morning.
Dont know about Zulily? In short, its an online shopping center for all things momma and baby. Seriously, all brands, all items, all up to 70% off retail! You will get a daily email of what companies are offering promotions that day. Promotions stay up for a few days but expire within a week.
Today, drum roll please, MUD PIE is on sale! Little AC wears tons of Mud Pie and we always receive "how cute" and "what brand is that". It's not too expensive at regular price but its on sale!!
So, you have to sign up to shop but its FREE!! If you go HERE I will receive a coupon or gift certificate. Once you sign up, you will get your own link for $ and you can share it with others! (I know, it may be tacky and I've told tons of people about the site without mentioning the rebate but I'm blogging and thought I'd throw it in..)
Have a Beautiful Weekend.
1 day ago