Months ago, before we knew the gender, I saw this rocking horse in the background of a TV commercial. I took to the Internet searching for a clip of this commercial, mainly a still frame of the horse. Found it. Posted the picture above on Facebook and begged for help.
Several people took the challenge and the results were unsettling- it was manufactured years ago and is discontinued. This lead me to EBay, Craigslist and Google. Nothing.
Eventually I let it go and came to the understanding that it wasn't ours to have.
At our baby shower last weekend, hosted by my dear friend Erin, my heart was filled with joy when I opened the last present.

Even though I had lost hope in finding a perfect rocker for Avery, they didn't. This rocking lamb is more perfect than we had ever hoped for. It (we do need a name) has a place in Avery's room and I cant wait for our baby girl to have her first ride.
We have the best friends anyone could ask for!

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