I didn't intend on staying in our current house too long but owning two homes in a nasty market kind of changed the moving plans. I never wanted to invest too much on sprucing up the exterior of the house, yard, fence or porches but rather focus on the inside. With patience in hand, we are tackling the exterior this spring and summer!
We are painting the exterior of the house even though its only 3 years old. Why? Last year we laid sod in the back yard and unfortunately dirt stuck to the house and 2/4 of the house experiences constant sun beams which is fading the paint color. We also had a fence, with an awkward bend to accommodate for an existing tree, built when we first moved in. The fence is starting to show its age. We, I mean Dustin, sealed it but we never stained it. Tomorrow, the house is getting painted and fence stained. I am hoping we picked the right colors!
Dustin did a great job refinishing some rattan chairs for the front porch, stay tuned for before and afters. Avery was extremely accommodating one afternoon and jumped in the front yard while Dustin and I laid bark and trimmed the bushes. I would like to give the bushes and hedges an extreme hair cut and trim them waaaay back but we will see if the DR will go for it.
Are you doing maintenance around your home or preparing it for spring?
Have a Beautiful Weekend.
1 day ago
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